Monday, June 29, 2009

Celebrate the Sabbath, Celebrate Life

The journey into relaxtion was quite surprisingly arduous - 8am found me nearly sleeping at the wheel on the drive to Church, planning something fun entailed a number of phone calls and conflicting schedules, and involved carrying a flailing boy to the car. Becoming more irritable by the minute, I was *this close* to giving up and going home to "Mt. Washmore". Some break!

I stayed the course. Arriving at the park and taking the cantankerous boy out of his carseat, my father and I started along the trails. In about two minutes, the child that "didn't want to go to this stupid park" went zooming down the trail: "I LOVE this place!". For the next hour and a half, we ascended and descended the various trails: walking along a creek bed, catching glimpses of chipmunks, and seeking a doe with her two children. This was a truly restorative place, despite the physical exhaustion. When it was time to leave, my son was crestfallen that he'd have to leave. We can't wait to return!

May God bless and give you peace and strength this week!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ideas Worth Keeping

One of the best ideas I discovered for keeping track of those fleeting thoughts and dreams was one of Barbara Sher's - The Scanner's Daybook.

This daybook is not a mere journal or somewhere just to quickly blot stuff down, but it is somewhere to take those napkin thoughts and more fully develop them. I've had mine for over two years, and it's amazing to see the evolution of those ideas throughout time. Some things have been fully accomplished, others in a transitional state, and yet others are adventures still to be embarked upon.

Along with current entries, I will be interspersing some musings from my daybook. I find the daybook a great place to be alone with my thoughts, but then I discover some thoughts that aren't meant to be left alone.