Monday, December 28, 2009

Year In Review

2009 was a foundation year. Nothing glorious about basements and beams, but since I've been living in primordial ooze for the last ten years, it was quite the step up!

So what have I been doing?

Well, the rise and fall of the waist size. The latter is being accomplished by two things: working with the French Paradox (small portions of traditional foods + reasonable wine consumption = better circulation and less weight) and sheer laziness (but the pantry's twenty more steps!). And walking. Actually, not even walking. More like a stroll...

Slowing down. After the emboli and the accompanying issues, I entered into a state of panic. My life expectancy had become uncertain (yes, I can still buy a full carton of eggs, but what of that retirement plan?) and I started trying to cram everything in NOW since I have no guarantees. Unfortunately, I became sicker and exhausted to the point of being completely dysfunctional. Kind of ridiculous, huh? Priorities and choices - don't have it all figured out yet, but determining there is a problem in need of solutions is half the battle.

Enter the "Projecting" database! My head is a very cluttered place, and my only way to organize thoughts is to get them out. This nifty little thing keeps track of my hopes and dreams and most importantly, my progress in achieving them. Fun stuff!

Building. My community and legacy. Never too early for this.

Oh, and then the painting! And writing!

So it's been a year of behind-the-scenes work. But it's been a year of honest-to-God work, the likes of which had not been seen in about a decade.


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Watch this space!

Computing capabilities have been restored. Huzzah!

I look forward to sharing my adventures with you.

Merry Christmastide to all!