Sunday, January 31, 2010

Prairie Home Companion

If I could do one thing in life, it would be do produce a show as great as this one.

It is difficult to actually make something of one's English major training, but I am finding that if one is able to shake off the feelings of futility and inferiority, things can happen.

Good stuff.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What a difference a balanced INR makes - we're back in business over here!

Speaking of back in business, the time has come for me to sort through the chaotic piles of ideas and projects and determine what that means for me.

Connections, freelancing, health, identity.

Lots of decisions.

It's been a rough few weeks, but at least for today I am happy and relatively healthy. Except for the Joan Rivaaahs face. But that too shall pass.

Friday, January 1, 2010



I just started crying based on something that one of my characters is going through. I wonder if this is typical, or if I really have turned into a sap in my old age...

Unlike real life, I have full control of the situation, but it is still unreal to think of creating pain.

If God is a divine architect (a concept of which I am not really certain), I can't even imagine...